Opportunities and Tips for Running a Shoe Store Business
Sumber : Milwaukeemag |
Here are some tips you can find from a shoe store
Then shoes are an opportunity that can be used as a business, whether it's a shoe shop business opportunity. So even if the shoes are kept in the store for a long time, they will not get ribs, as long as you are still able to care for them properly. decide what shoes you will sell, women's shoes, men's shoes. or you can mix both.
If you have sufficient capital there is nothing wrong if you mix women's shoes with men's shoes. however, if your capital is limited then you can just sell men's shoes.
Choose one of them, look at the excellent opportunities around you, analyze what is needed by most people in your environment. if most shoe users are women, then your place is very suitable for setting up a business, selling women's shoes.
Everyone who works in a government office generally needs shoes, the shoes they wear may not be worn every day. They will replace their shoes, for example there are Nike Shoes and Jordan shoes this is a business opportunity. For more details, consider some of the factors you need to know before setting up a shoe business.
The following are tips for the shoe business
1. Determine the shoe business
Because if you set up a shoe business in a quiet place, it is certain that your shop will be empty of visitors. in a crowded place has the potential to get a lot of visitors. then the second, selling shoes in the market.
The market is a busy place, even though it is not close to offices, colleges or schools. however they will still buy shoes for their needs. How is there a little description about the importance of choosing a strategic location?
2. Determine the right business concept
After you have found the right location, then next you have to draft a concept. What concept will be implemented later, for example, you want to sell shoes, sell women's shoes or want to sell men's shoes.
Determining the concept is important. If you have enough capital then you can combine both but if not, just choose one of them. analyze the location where you set up your business.
In social life, of course we all already know that there are three types of groups, the first is the lower class, the middle class, the upper class. The importance of analysis before starting a business. choose the group that you think the most want to buy shoes.
3. Determine the price of goods
Determine a price that is quite affordable. Determining the price must also follow the market price, because if not, you may experience a loss or you will make a big profit. Getting big, of course every shop owner would be happy if they got a big profit.
Maybe including you, one of them hehehe. But keep in mind that you should not sell goods with a large profit. however, it does affect the long-term sustainability of your store.
For example, another shop also sells shoes, with the same shoe brand, as well as the same size. the price you provide is the price above the sales of your competitors' stores. They will automatically consider the price you provide and over time they will move to another store, which is more affordable.
You can take advantage, but don't take too much. See Success in doing business a la Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Following market prices is an important factor.
4. Promoting through social media
Times are much different than in the past, with social media people being able to provide news without bothering to move places. the past life is a very different life from the present life. Social media can be used as a means of promotion.
Especially for those of you who want to set up a shoe business, social media is one of the most effective and efficient alternatives. You don't need to pay a lot of money to make promotions with social media, it really makes it easier for you to promote. Collaborate with your friends who are more proficient in the world of modeling.
Ask your friend for help, just take a photo of one of the shoe products with your model friend instantly so you can spread the promotion to social media. the second promotion gives a discount to the first buyer. If they are interested in what you have to offer then they will become your loyal customers.
5. Provide the best service
Any shop that provides bad service, people will not feel at home in that place, right? Who wants to be given bad service. If you provide the best service. They will be impressed and will come back to your shop. Again and again, Being your loyal customer, Service model is not that complicated, Just giving 3S, Smiles, Greetings and Greetings, it has made him a human.
So much for the discussion this time about business opportunities, shoe shop business. Hopefully this can be useful for all of us, greetings from our Variety Business Blog, thank you.
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